Кроме того, что Амазон подтвердили информацию об экранизации Колеса Времени, англо-фандом на тумбе объявили неделю Отрёкшихся.
Наше сообщество свободно от каких-то ограничений или фиксаций на персонажей (технически, нас слишком мало для этого, увы), но как один из поклонников данных булочек, пройти мимо не могу. Итак. Темы англофандома (прошу прощения за неперевод, но с моей стороны это было бы некорректным):
I have completely arbitrarily (and also because it’s my birthday on the 1st) decided to place this on the first week of July, so 1ST TO 7TH OF JULY.
Here’s the schedule:
DAY 1 – July 1st
The Forsaken: Aginor & Balthamel (including their resurrected personas Osan’gar & Aran’gar)
Optional prompts/ideas:
How Aginor’s research looked like before the Shadow?
His role during the War of Power?
Did he continue his experiments in the Black Tower as Osan’gar?
Balthamel’s adventures in academia (no, really, I’d love to read that)?
Running intelligence networks during the war?
What the actual heck was going on with their outfit at the time of the sealing?
What they really thought of Egwene and the time posing as her maid?
DAY 2 – July 2nd
The Forsaken: Be’lal & Moghedien
Optional prompts/ideas:
What Be’lal was doing in the Age of Legends? Honestly. Just make shit up, guy’s practically a blank slate.
Maybe he had a family way before the Bore was drilled? What happened to those relationships during the Collapse/War of Power and his turning to the Shadow?
Moghedien is one of the younger Forsaken; what was she like prior to the whole Shadow thing?
Her Black Ajah contacts/interaction after waking up?
Her time with the Wonder Girls in Salidar?
Give her an alternative ending! Instead of the a’dam, have her remain free after the Dark One’s prison is re-sealed. Go on, give her that rehabilitation arc! Or have her brought to justice, if that’s more your thing.
DAY 3 – July 3rd
The Forsaken: Asmodean & Rahvin
Optional prompts/ideas:
ASMODEAN LIVES. There’s a few of these AUs going around, and it’s never enough.
His relationship with Lanfear? It’s obvious they have a history and it seems likely that it predates the Shadow.
I’m sure y’all can come up with stuff to do with Asmodean.
I don’t know what to do with Rahvin; just have somebody punch him repeatedly?
DAY 4 – July 4th
The Forsaken: Graendal & Sammael (including Hessalam)
Optional prompts/ideas:
They had an alliance of a sort, but do you think they ever hooked up? (Before or after the 3000-year nap.)
How did Sammael get his scar?
The Gates of Hevan! We want details!
Graendal’s transformation from a paragon of virtue to the embodiment of decadence? What made her the person she used to be before?
DAY 5 – July 5th
The Forsaken: Semirhage, Demandred & Mesaana
Optional prompts/ideas:
Semirhage, our Lady of Pain; a legendary Restorer. How did she ever discover her kink when he job was basically the opposite?
Here’s a wild idea: What if she’d never turned to the Shadow? Imagine her fighting the Shadow during the War of Power, using her skills to extract information out of prisoners, maybe contemptuous of the sheer inelegance and brutality of the Shadow’s practices.
Demandred should have been a hero. Give him that story.
Or I mean, I’ve always kinda hate!shipped him with Sammael so if that tickles your muse, I’d personally be delighted.
River of Souls is apocrypha at best, so do whatever you wish his arc in the books had been.
Mesaana barely had any screen time in the books, and I feel like she should have been more relevant. What did she actually do in the White Tower all that time?
Also if you’re into comedy, have her trying to interact with her ‘fellow’ Browns as one of them.
Or if you’re into really dubious femslash, there’s always Alviarin…
DAY 6 – July 6th
The Forsaken: Ishamael & Lanfear (including Moridin & Cyndane)
Optional prompts/ideas:
Ishamael: is he right or wrong in his interpretation of the Wheel and his place in it as the Dragon’s adversary?
Something goes wrong and somehow it is Moridin who lives at the end of AMoL while Rand dies… but he ends up bonded to the girls anyway. Oops?
Elan Morin Tedronai and Lews Therin Telamon used to be friends. And then they were enemies. I’m sure there’s drama to be had there.
Consider Mierin Eronaile being in love with Ilyena instead of Lews.
I’m always a sucker for pretty much any Forsaken living past their time, so here’s the obligatory suggestion of ‘Cyndane somehow survives the war and ends up in the Fourth Age’, have fun!
DAY 7 – July 7th
Free day! Make your own Forsaken! Talk about a Third Ager who should have become Forsaken (or, if you like, the one that did)! Have another round for your favourite Forsaken!
Не хочет ли кто обсудить, поделиться мнениями?
Одна из любопытных новостей англо-фандома
Кроме того, что Амазон подтвердили информацию об экранизации Колеса Времени, англо-фандом на тумбе объявили неделю Отрёкшихся.
Наше сообщество свободно от каких-то ограничений или фиксаций на персонажей (технически, нас слишком мало для этого, увы), но как один из поклонников данных булочек, пройти мимо не могу. Итак. Темы англофандома (прошу прощения за неперевод, но с моей стороны это было бы некорректным):
Не хочет ли кто обсудить, поделиться мнениями?
Наше сообщество свободно от каких-то ограничений или фиксаций на персонажей (технически, нас слишком мало для этого, увы), но как один из поклонников данных булочек, пройти мимо не могу. Итак. Темы англофандома (прошу прощения за неперевод, но с моей стороны это было бы некорректным):
Не хочет ли кто обсудить, поделиться мнениями?